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밀가루 글루텐의 민감성과 어지러움증/메니에르병 Gluten Sensitivity and Vertigo(어지러움, 현기증)/Meniere’s Disease

by 게리롭 2019. 1. 22.

발췌한 아래문헌의 결론은 밀가루의 글루텐은 메니에르병 재발에 지대한 영향을 줄 수 있으니 먹지말라는거임. 글루텐이 메니에르 환자들의 가장 공통적인 알레르기 항원 중 하나라는

(의학용 영단어들이라 사전찾느라 힘들었음)

사실...내 경우도 부침개, 파스타등을 먹고 얼마 있어 메니에르병이 바로 재발하는이유가 바로 다량의 글루텐 섭취 때문인듯.

내가 이세상에서 제일 싫어하는 소리가 아픈사람들에게 이게 다 안좋은거 덜먹어서 그런거라고 안좋은거 더먹어야 몸에 내성이 생겨서 안아프다고 하는 말이다. 위장아픈사람들에게 술을 덜먹어서 그런거라고, 몸살난사람들에게 술을 덜먹어서 아픈거라고, 나같은 사람들에게 술을 덜먹어서 그런거라고... 이건 뭐 불난곳에다가 기름을 붓는격인데 남의 아픔을 무시하는것같아서 진짜 거슬린다.

Gluten Sensitivity and Vertigo/Meniere’s Disease

Gluten is a known neurotoxin(신경독), and for many patients with gluten sensitivity, nervous system diseases are the only symptoms that manifest (~을 증명하다,~을 명백히하다, 명백한, 분명)Some neurologists (신경학자) have studied the connection in depth.  To date, gluten has been shown to cause lesions (손해, 부상, 장애, 병변) in the brain and central nervous system on MRI, gluten has been shown to cause the body to make antibodies (항체, 항독소) against nerve tissue (조직, 얇은직물).

Nerve Damage Improves on a Gluten Free Diet

There are a number of neurological 신경학의 diseases that have been shown to improve with a gluten free diet.  The following is a short list of related neurological manifestations 명시, 표명 of gluten damage:


Gluten and Balance

Meniere’s disease is a condition that manifests symptomatically 징후에 의하여 as severe dizziness, ear pressure, ringing, and often times is associated with concomitant (수반하는, 부수물)migraine (편두통) headache.  The symptoms can be debilitating (~을 약하게 하다, 쇠약하게 하다) and often lead to nausea (구역질, 불쾌한느낌) , vomiting (구토, 토하기), and inability (무능, 불능, 무력) to stand or walk due to imbalance.  Recent research has identified a connection between grain (specifically wheat) and Meniere’s disease.  The study was published in the journal, Laryngoscope (후두경).  The abstract (개략적) is below:

Wheat is one of the most common food allergens (알르르겐, 알레르기 항원) found in patients with Meniere’s disease (MD). Gluten from wheat has been identified 확인하다 to have a etiopathogenetic (원인병리론) role in celiac (배의, 복강의) disease, IgE hypersensitivity (과민증) to wheat disease, and recently to gluten sensitivity. The aim of this study was to verify (~을 검증하다, 입증하다 )the incidence (발생, 출현, 발생범위) of gliadin (글리아딘, 밀 따위의 곡류에서 얻는 단순 단백질).  prick ((작은구멍이 나도록) 찌르다, 찌르기) test response in patients affected by MD.

There were 58 adult patients with definite (명백한, 확실한) MD, 25 healthy volunteers, and 25 patients with grass pollen 꽃가루 rhinoconjunctivitis (결막염) tested with skin prick test to gliadin.

A total of 33 MD patients (56.9%) proved to be sensitive to gliadin, eight of whom were positive to prick test after 20 minutes, 13 after 6 hours, 11 after 12 hours, and one after 24 hours.

What to do if you have been diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease

It is important to let your doctor rule out any type of life threatening conditions first and foremost 주요한,첫번째의.  Beyond that, ruling out gluten intolerance 과민증 is a must.  I would also recommend that you rule out other food and environmental allergies as well.  I have personally seen cases of Meniere’s in my clinic that were caused by a variety of foods.  I have also seen cases that were caused by severe 엄한, 엄격한, 어려운 mold toxicity유독성 .

Rule out vitamin and mineral deficiencies 부족.  Often times, these nutritional deficits 부족, 결손 will lead to nerve damage.  Most prominently 두드러지게, 현저하게 we see the loss of myelin (the insulation surrounding the nerves (미엘린, 신경 섬유의 축색을 감싸는 피막)).  Vitamin B-12 deficiency is a common cause of myelin (미엘린) loss, as are copper 구리 and vitamin C deficiency.  Often times the deficiencies are caused by gluten induced 유발의, 초래된 gastrointestinal 위장의 damage.

For more on the relationship between gluten and neurological 신경학의 inflammation (신체부위의) 염증) and damage, watch the interview series with functional medicine psychiatrist, Dr. Charles Parker below.  His research and clinical experience are enlightening~에게 가르치다 and may help give you some answers to medical mysteries you are dealing with.

for the rest of the interview go here <<<

Read more at https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/gluten-sensitivity-and-vertigomenieres-disease/#W1UtAK9kqBCHjdfk.99




출처 : https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/gluten-sensitivity-and-vertigomenieres-disease/