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K-pop stars to be questioned for alleged illegal filming and sex bribery K-pop stars to be questioned for alleged illegal filming and sex bribery The K-pop sex video scandal is growing to even bigger dimensions 규모, 범위, 면 by the day. Singer Jung Joon-young has appeared before the police this morning. for questioning over allegations 의혹, 혐의 of illegal filming. Before entering the Seoul police headquarters 본부, Jung said, he's sorry for causing concern and that he will s.. 2019. 3. 18.
S. Korea aims to expand use of hydrogen energy S. Korea aims to expand use of hydrogen energy South Korea is expanding its use of hydrogen energy in its efforts to ( …해보려는 노력으로,~하기 위해서 in an effort to do ) become more eco-friendly. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (국토교통부) announced on Thursday that it plans to have 2-thousand hydrogen fuel-cell (연료탱크 퓌율셀) electric buses running in the country's major cities by 2022. This ye.. 2019. 3. 11.
Seoul and Beijing to work closely on fine dust measures: Environment Ministry Seoul and Beijing to work closely on fine dust measures: Environment Ministry South Korea plans to work closely (가까이, 근접하여) with China to combat (방지하다, 해결하다, 싸우다, 전쟁) fine dust. The environment minister Cho Myung-rae revealed today. a set of stronger plans (강력한 대책) to bring down high fine dust levels in the country. Cho says. Seoul and Beijing will work to conduct a joint test above the West Sea.. 2019. 3. 7.
Seoul adds two more cars to all-stop trains on subway line 9 Seoul adds two more cars to all-stop trains on subway line 9 Seoul City is increasing the number of carriages (객차, 마차, 차) on its trains on subway line nine. The local government on Monday added two more compartments (칸막이의 한 객실, 구분된 분실,격실) to its 25 all-stop trains, bringing their total number of carriages to six. They are also increasing the number of trains in operation from the current 37 to 4.. 2019. 3. 4.