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February 22nd, 2017 Congratulation my niece! Congratulation my niece! My niece, who is my younger sister's daughter, graduated from her kindergarten yesterday. It seems like she entered the kindergarten just yesterday. She has been growing up faster than I think. It seems like it was just yesterday that she entered kindergarten. She has been growing up faster than I've thought. When she was born, We couldn't take our eyes off her If she hu.. 2017. 2. 22.
독학용 영어회화 추천 - 순간영작문 독학용 영어회화책 추천 - 순간영작문 작년 3월쯤.... 영어를 잘해야겠다는 생각이 절실히 들었고, 40대인만큼 지금이 아니면 더이상 배울 기회는 없다는 마음이 들어, 혼자 열심히 독학을 하기 위해 영풍문고에서 영어책을 고르던중 발견한 책이다. 영어책 제목만 보면 영작문을 위한 책이라고 생각이 드는데 이건 Writing을 위한 책이 아니다. 입으로 자연스럽게 문장을 만들어 말할 수 있는, 머리와 입에 영어 구조가 박히도록 해주어 중학 수준의 영어회화가 저절로 되게 해주는 기초영어책이다 특히 저자는 영어 초보자들에게 어려운 영어 문장부터 공부하지 말라고, 중학수준의 정말 쉬운 문장부터 공부하라고 조언한다. 저자 본인이 영어를 독학하면서 영어 리딩과 리스닝 수준은 정말 높았으나 쉬운 기초 회화가 안되는 이유.. 2017. 2. 20.
February 20th, 2017 the TOEIC test the TOEIC test I have just applied for the TOEIC. March 26th, I will be taking it at a high school where I am assigned. I have just applied for the TOEIC test on March 26th. I will be taking it at a high school where I am assigned. Actually, I haven't been studying for the TOEIC. Even I have had this test only twice since I was born! Actually, I haven't been studying for the TOEIC test yet, and .. 2017. 2. 20.
February 17th, 2017 While I was away out...... While I was away out...... Yesterday, I went to a conference in which many marketing managers got together to learn about how to keep up with trend of mobile marketing. Yesterday, I attended a conference in which many marketing managers got together to learn about how to keep up with the trends of mobile marketing. Meanwhile, A director, who I didn't know, in other hotel near our company called .. 2017. 2. 17.